An authorised Financial Services Provider


  • Do you have an emergency fund?
  • Do you save in tax free investments?
  • Do you have capital available for a specific need and are you happy with the performance of your investment?
  • Did you establish your appetite for risk before making an investment?
  • Are you aware of the tax implications of your investments?

INVESTING is more for the long term.  In other words, it will be capital that you need to grow more than inflation over a minimum period of 5 years.  Investments can be made directly on different investment platforms for example, Allan Gray, Coronation, Ninety-one etc.  which are all known as Investment Manager Companies. Clients also make use of insurance company products where they will invest on their different platforms for example, Sanlam Glacier, Old Mutual Wealth, Momentum Wealth platforms and are using different investment managers’ funds to invest on their platform.  They do have a huge variety of funds available and a client then according to their unique risk profile, select funds with the help of your financial advisor to invest in.

SAVING will be for the short term and is normally money which is immediately available to be used in cases of emergencies.  You will typically save money for holidays, children’s education, emergencies, etc. In this particular case clients will make use of money market accounts, notice deposits, tax savings accounts at different financial service providers.

SPECULATING investment is where the investor is prepared to lose all or some of the capital in the hope to make big profits over the short term. This type of investment is generally a high-risk investment and require good skills to select shares in the hope of making quick profit, selling at a higher price as what the share was bought for.